The most mysterious of the three daughters of Peter Winfield and Charlotte Freeman Winfield has to be the youngest, Ancena. Fairy and Griffon Gustave Moreau Her name is sometimes seen as "Arenna" or even "Arreny" and a variation of that is probably more accurate, however in the Winfield chronicles, she is named as Ancena, and that is what I shall stick with, as that is how I am accustomed to seeing her name. Both of her marriages were duly covered in the early marriage records of Anson County. James Morrison to Ancina Winfield 1802 Thomas Avett to Mrs. Ancina Morrison 1819
As well as the marriages of her 3 daughters:
George Singleton to Euxene Morrison 1822
Absalom Scarborough to Margaret Morrison 1833
John Beard to Annabella Morrison 1833
It's easy to assume that Euxene would be the oldest of the three girls, as she married first, a full decade before her sisters.
It also seems that James Morrison passed away in 1818. That means the first census that Ancena and her girls would be in with Thomas Avett as their stepfather would be the 1820 census.
He is shown with a male between the ages of 26 and 44, probably himself and a female 45 and over, probably Ancena, meaning she was probably a few years older than he was, born about 1775. The children in the household are two girls between 10 and 15 and one girl under 10. These would have been the Morrison sisters, given their mother remarried in 1819. There are also 2 boys in the house, one teenager/young adult 16 to 25 and one under 10.
Thomas Aoet
Home in 1820 (City, County, State)
Coppedge, Anson, North Carolina
Enumeration Date
August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over
Slaves - Males - Under 14
Slaves - Males - 14 thru 25
Slaves - Males - 26 thru 44
Slaves - Males - 45 and over
Slaves - Females - Under 14
Slaves - Females - 14 thru 25
Slaves - Females - 26 thru 44
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture
Number of Persons - Engaged in Manufactures
Free White Persons - Under 16
Free White Persons - Over 25
Total Free White Persons
Total Slaves
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other
There was a record of Ancena having had a son prior to marriage, who bore the last name of Winfield, and lived with his grandmother Charlotte, until she passed away. That could have been the 16 to 25 year old, or Thomas Avett could have had a son or sons by a prior marriage, beside the Thomas Avett, Jr. who went to Tennessee and appears in the 1810 census of Anson County. In this census, there are two definate, distinct, Thomas Avett's of different ages and different makeups in family arrangement.
But looking at Thomas Avett before and after the 1820 census leads one to believe that perhaps the years on the marriage list is incorrect. Maybe Thomas and Ancena were married prior to 1819 and James Morrison passed away before 1810.
Thos Avitt
Home in 1810 (City, County, State):
Anson, North Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 :
1 Thomas Avett/Avitt
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10:
2 Annabelle and Margarete Morrison?
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15:
1 Euxene Morrison ?
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25:
1 Daughter of Thomas Avett?
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44:
1 Ancena?
Number of Household Members Under 16:
Number of Household Members Over 25:
Number of Household Members:
It was clearly easy to see a difference in property for Thomas Avett between looking at the land records and number of servants. Possibly a reason for marrying a widow older than himself. Ancena had not only inherited a dower from her husband, James Morrison's passing, but had acquired her portion of the Winfield plantation with her father's passing in 1802. Perhaps the legal proceedings had not taken place before this census, as far as property,etc.
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored):
By 1830, the family structure had become totally confusing. We have Thomas Avett, for certain, as he is shown living right beside of John Winfield, son of Edward Winfield, and nephew of Ancena, but which Thomas Avett, and who are the other persons shown in the family structure?
As for Absalom B. Scarborough and wife Margarette,
Absolam Scarbrough
[Absalom Scarbough]
Home in 1830 (City, County, State):
East of Pee Dee and Yadkin River, Montgomery, North Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5:
1 Alford. born 1829
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29:
1 Absalom
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29:
1 Margarete
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23:
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23:
Free White Persons - Under 20:
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49:
Total Free White Persons:
Total Slaves:
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored):
They, too, appear to have been married and having children by 1830. In fact, the Scarboroughs were the easiest of Ancena's children to trace. The Scarborough family has them well documented and tracked in their records. And John and Annabella Beard? It certainly appears that they, too, were actually married prior to 1833.
John Beard
Home in 1830 (City, County, State):
Anson, North Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5:
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9:
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19:
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29:
Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49:
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5:
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29:
Slaves - Males - Under 10:
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23:
Slaves - Males - 24 thru 35:
Slaves - Males - 36 thru 54:
Slaves - Females - Under 10:
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23:
Free White Persons - Under 20:
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49:
Total Free White Persons:
Total Slaves:
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored):
John passed away in North Carolina in 1837. Annabelle shows up alone in the 1840 census, and living near her sister and brother-in-law, Abasalom and Margarette Scarborough in 1850 in Fayette County, Tennessee and with her daughter, Ann Eliza Beard Griffin in 1860 in Fayette County. She either passed away in Tennessee or along the journey from Fayette County to Lonoke County, Arkansas, where at least three of her children ended up, or she died in Arkansas prior to the 1870 census, where there is no sign of her. In my next several posts, I intend to look closer at the family of Ancena Morrison, the least researched of the Winfield sisters. Her family is full of mystery. Did Ancena have any children with Thomas Avett? Perhaps Thomas, Jr. If I am correct, she traveled with Thomas Jr. to Tennesee.
Thomas A Vett
Home in 1840 (City, County, State):
Fayette, Tennessee
Free White Persons - Males - 50 thru 59:
1 Thomas Jr. ?
Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49:
1 Thomas's wife Sarah W. Avett
Free White Persons - Females - 80 thru 89:
1 Ancena?
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23:
Slaves - Males - 55 thru 99:
Slaves - Females - Under 10:
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23:
Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54:
Persons Employed in Agriculture:
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49:
Total Free White Persons:
Total Slaves:
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves:
What became of George Singleton and wife Euxene? Did he follow his father and brothers to Georgia? Did the couple pass away young and leave no more records after selling Euxene's inheritance? Anson County, NC Deed Books Q, R, T, and U No. 7573 Feb. 2, 1822 George Singleton and wife, Euxine to Richard Randle; for $85 sold 254 acres, border begins at a stake on the bank of the Rocky River where said Randles line crosses the river, joins Nash (Griffin), Cauthen, & Bennett's old line; sold by John Williams to James Morrison, deceased and Euxine Singleton owns a third of the tract (signed) G. Singleton and E. Singleton; Witnesses: Thomas Avett & C. Coppedge" Oct 1821 dower renounced by Mrs. Euxine Singleton before C. Coppedge JP; witness oath April 1822 by Charles Coppedge" Book U page 72 A journey lies ahead...
Elizabeth M. "Betsy" Nash was the daughter of Griffin Nash and Jemima Winfield Nash, and was born, most likely, at her parents farm in the upper part of Anson County, near its border with Stanly County, in North Carolina. Her father owned land that was donated later to the old Concord Methodist Church, so this is the area, near the old town of "Wharf" where Betsy grew up.
Around 1824, she married John Randle Howell and they made their homestead on Cedar Creek in the Poplar Springs area of "Center", just outside of present Norwood, North Carolina. John R. Howell was the nephew of her uncle by marriage, Richard Howell, who married Jemima's sister Sarah.
In this post, I want to explore what happened to Betsy and her family after the death of her husband.
John R. Howell penned his will in August of 1860, in it, son Lemuel was still alive and daughter Margaret Abella Howell was still married to John Britt. He apparently did not live long afterward, in Betsy's first census after his death, in 1870, she had been a beleaguered widow for about 9 years.
In this census, one has to have knowledge of the family to know who is who, as much of what was recorded, or transcribed, was incorrect. Elizabeth is listed as a farmer with $200 in real estate and $300 in personal estate. Everyone else is listed as "at home". Alot has happened to the family in the past decade, not much of it good. Neighbors include Lees and Thompsons and C J Britt, the father of one of her son-in-laws and one of her daughter-in-laws. The first thing that happened after the 1860 census was probably the passing of oldest son Lemuel Howell in August of 1861 in Nansemond County, Virginia, not long after volunteering for the War. His widow, Mary Williams Howell, remarried and his child likely passed away.
Lemuel was not the only son to be lost in the War. Youngest son James W. Howell served in Company D. 1st Regiment NC Artillary. He enlisted March 1, 1862 in Stanly County at the age of 20. I can not find a record of his death, but he never returned.
Her daughters also suffered. Margaret Abella Howell, shown as 28 and second to her mother in the census listing, had married James W. Britt. James Britt also served in the Civil War, but records indicated he deserted. There are some interesting records concerning his service and desertion. Whether he made his way west, was killed or tried and executed, I have not been able to determine. There was some interaction with his brothers and I hope to explore his story in a later post, but by 1870, his wife considered herself a widow, and they had one son, John, whom I believe is the 10 year old listed in the above list.
Eliza, by age, and Samantha, listed third and fourth in the census list, were youngest daughters Turzy and Samantha "Mandy", although John R. Howell gave Turzy's middle initial as "W" in his will, it was obvious the family followed the old Virginia pattern of the Jones, Booths and other families by giving their children three first names, so she could have been "Thurza W. Eliza Howell".
The other children, William, Caroline, James and George D. in the list were also the grandchildren of Elizabeth and also not Howell's. The dead giveaway to who they were is in the place of birth of the youngest two, James and George D, "Georgia".
Middlemost daughter, Martha Catherine Howell had married teacher, James Asa Earnhardt on November 1, 1854. James Earnhardt was born in Davidson County, NC and had traveled quite a bit, teaching throughout the Carolinas.
Probably after the death of her father, James and Catherine moved their family to Thomas County, Georgia, as that is where James A. Earnhardt enlisted for duty in the Civil War.
Records for daughter Caroline Adellia Earnhardt Shelbourne have her being born on June 1, 1860 in Mecklengburg County, North Carolina. Younger brothers James and George, in Georgia.
There are two land records in Stanly County involving James A. Earnhardt. The first one involves his selling of property to W. H. Smith in 1861. As he had not purchased any, this seems to be what was inherited by Catherine from her father, John R. Howell. He must have kept part of it in trust, however.
Martha Catherine Howell Earnhardt passed away on April 2, 1866 in Georgia. Youngest son, George Derick Earnhardt was born on January 23, 1866, so he was only 3 and a half months old when his mother passed away, so she did not die in childbirth. Also, he was very fortunate to have survived in that time and era.
James Earnhardt apparently returned to North Carolina after the death of his wife, and place his children in the care of their grandmother. Son Adolphus passed away as a child, and Sarah A. was either the same child as Caroline Adellia, or she passed away as an infant.
Woodville School, Ballard County, Kentucky circa 1897, submitted by Teresa,
In the book, The History of Kentucky, Edition 1, by J. H. Battle, W. H. Perrin, and G. C. Kniffin, and published in 1885 by F. A. Battey Publishing Company, is the following biography on James Asa Earnhardt.
James A. Earnhardt was born January 9, 1836 in Davidson County, N.C. where he grew to manhood, and in 1876 removed to Ballard County, Ky, where he has since resided. His father, William T. Earnhardt, a native of North Carolina, was born in 1815 and died in 1843. He was the son of George. William T. married Bithia Reid, of North Carolina, (born in 1815, died in 1878), and to them were born, subject, Lucy. E. G. (Huckibee) and Julia A. (Palmer). Subject's educational advantages were good, and for about ten years, he was engaged in teaching school in North Carolina, South Carolina and Kentucky. On November 9, 1855, he married Miss Catherine, daughter of John R. and Elizabeth (Nash) Howell, of North Carolina and from this union sprang William J., Adolphus (deceased), Carolina A. (Shelbourne), James A. and George D. About ten years after the death of his first wife Mr. Earnhardt married January 17, 1875, Miss Elvira, daugther of Alfred and Elvira (Reed) Shelby of Ballard County (born 1838). Mr. Earnhardt has for ten years been engaged in milling, both sawing and grinding, at which he has become sucessful. He also farms 120 acres of good land. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, a Methodist and Democrat.
The last land record in Stanly County involving James A. Earnhardt was, " James A. Earnhardt to Whitson H. Smith This Indenture made the 9th of September, 1867............Stanly County, North Carolina...........$568.......on the waters of Jacob's Creek.....beginning at a planted stone on the Salisbury Road....adjoining William Simpson......a line of the Lawyer's Spring Tract.... L. A. Whitlocks line... Witness: J. W. Smith J. A. Earnhardt (seal) Probate Court 29 Sept 1869 Proved by J. M. Redwine J.P.C.
Another record in the history books for this family was that of
History and Families, McCracken County, Kentucky, 1824-1989
By McCracken County Genealogical-Historical Society (McCracken County, Ky.)
This book examined the family of Catherine and James second to youngest son, James Jackson Earnhardt, who settled in McCracken County.
"James Jackson Earnhardt (Jim) son of James Asa and Martha Catherine (Howell) Earnhardt of Stanly County, North Carolina was born January 1, 1863, died January 25, 1926. James Asa moved his family to Kentucky in 1876 and settled on a farm in Hinkleville, Ballard County, where the father became engaged in milling, sawing and grinding, he also taught school as he had in North and South Carolina. A college had been built in Blandville in 1876, and the Earnhardts were taking student boarders into their home who were to attend the college. They were the children of William and Mary Jane (Collier) Ballance of Graves County. Jim and Rosetta attended school together, fell in love and were married Nov 15, 1883. Rosetta was born Sept. 6, 1863 and died June 12, 1947. Jim was a miller by trade when they married, having worked with his father at the mill, as well as on the farm, however, he chose not to follow his trade as a Miller, but to become a fulltime farmer. They settled on a farm near the Hardmoney community, where he farmed until his retirement. They were members of the Hardmoney Baptist Church of Graves County, where Rosetta was a charter member. The church was founded Sept. 20, 1903 by Rev. John Henry Ballance, Rosetta's older brother. All of the Earnhardt children were born in McCracken County: Edgar Earl, George Asa, Mary Caroline, William Gaston, Henrietta, Ila Clark, Paul (died in infancy), Pauline and Halene (died within 4 days of each other at a very early age), Hal Johnson, Neil Joseph and Clara Louise. Jim retired from farming, sold the farm and bought a house in Lone Oak in 1925, where he was living at the time of his death. Rosetta lived the remainder of her life in the house in Lone Oak. They are buried at Boaz Cemetery in Graves County."
In the Kentucky State Gazeteer and Business Directory, Volume 4, it lists Hinkleville as being in the northern part of Balllard County and 9 miles north of "Blandville", which was the county seat. It's nearest shipping point was Paducah, a 22 mile haul, a day's trip in horse and buggy terms. Hinkleville recieved its mail at this time three times a week, and had a stage coach route that traveled from Hinkelville to Paducah, Lovelaceville (that's a tongue twister) and Blandville. The population of this little metropolis where James A. Earnhardt chose to settle was 400. His flour mill was listed among Hinkleville's business operations, They also had a postmaster, justice of the peace, two physcians, a millwright, a Methodist minister, two general stores and a blacksmith.
James A. Earnhardt, being descended from the Davidson County German group, was likely not raised Methodist, but converted because of his wife Catherine Howell, as the Howell family were staunch Methodist Episcopals. By looking at the evidence, birth dates and places of the children, land transactions and available family histories, it appears that Jim and Catherine Earnhardt moved to Thomas County, Georgia in 1861, perhaps for a teaching job. There they remained during the war, where Jim served as a State Guard in the Georgia Infantry.
There, Martha Catherine died in 1866, and by 1867, Jim and his children had moved back to Stanly County, where he placed them in the care of their Grandmother and Aunts. Not being found in the 1870 census, he was probably on the move in search of work, and discovered the college in Blandsville, Kentucky.
Having determined who the children were with Betsy in 1870, it is now time to look at her movements.
I will probably find a record for dower in the court records of the early 1860's, but her application for homestead was dated for January 9th of 1872.
"E. M. Howell's Homestead North Carolina, Stanly County, January 9th 1872 Center Township, upon application of E. M. Howell to T. A. Lowder J. P. of said township, I have proceeded to lay of said E. M. Howell's homestead by qualifying names of Hardy Watkins + J. C. Blakeney, freeholders + find the valuation of the property as follows: 5 tracts of land lying on the waters of Cedar Creek adjoining Hardy Watkins, D K Thompson and others consisting of 400 acres more or less valued at $600, 1 wagon $40, 1 buggy $10, ? and furniture, $105, 1 heifer $15, balance of household and Kitchen furniture $15. Given under the names and seals of: JC Blakney, H. Watkins, Willima Manes T. A Lowder
There are no deeds of her selling the land or giving it to her remaining son, G. G. (George Griffin) Howell. Griffin, and oldest daughters, Mary Jane Thompson and Sarah A. J. McSwain, would remain in Center Township for the rest of their lives and raise their families there. Griffin being buried in Norwood and the sisters being buried at the old Poplar Springs cemetery, just outside of Norwood near Cedar Creek on property that likely once belonged to both their father, John Randle Howell and Grandfather, Jordan Howell, Sr.
But Betsy, who was approximately 63 years old when her homestead was declared, did not remain in Stanly County with her children. Accompanied by her three younger daughters, Margaret Abella Britt, Turzy and Samantha Howell, and grandson, John Britt, Betsy made her way to Mississippi, obviously via Tennesee.
In 1880, Betsy and family had made it all the way to Alcorn, Mississippi. Her youngest daughters Turzy and Mandy are shown as single. "Lobela Potts" is listed as a daughter and along with Betsy, checked in the "widowed or divorced" column. Lobela is actually Margaret Abella Howell Britt Potts, who married a Jesse Potts in Tennesee in 1874 and had a son, Edgar E. Potts in 1876. Why young son Edgar was not living with her in 1880 is unknown. He probably was with some of his father's people.
Also living with the ladies was young John Britt, Abella's oldest son.
Old Gaines Chapel Cemetery is located just outside of Corinth, Alcorn, Mississippi off of Norman Road. It is an abandoned cemetery, not well kept, but still visible from the road in winter, with many broken stones and missing markers. And there is the last resting place for Elizabeth M. Nash Howell.
E. M. HOWELL Born JAN.3,1809 Died FEB.29, 1894 Mother, thou hast from us flown To the regions far above. We to thee erect this stone Consecrated by our love.
Who was left in the family, beside her children in North Carolina and Abella to erect this stone?
A roster of the interments of Old Gaines explains a bit of why Betsy went to Mississippi.
Sep. 9, 1796
Oct. 3, 1875
Inscription: SARAH W. AVETT BORN Sep. 9 1796 DIED Oct. 3, 1875
This is Betsy's sister, Sarah Nash Avett, widow of John Avett, who had migrated to Decatur, Tennessee in the 1850's and lived with her son, Griffin Avett, before arriving in Alcorn County by the 1870 census. Added by: Paula
As Sarah was the only Nash in the cemetery, John T. Britt, son of Abella and grandson of Betsy, was the only Britt.
He never married and died young, at the age of 39. His tombstone inscription says: JOHNIE T. BRITT Born Oct. 26, 1859 Died Mar. 14, 1900 A light from our household is gone A voice we loved is stilled. A place is vacant in our hearts That never can be filled.
However, Betsy was not the only Howell. Youngest Howell daughter, Samantha, is also buried in this cemetery, along with her mother, and never married. She was only 40, and died the day before her mother.
I can only believe that the cause of death for the both of them was connected. Either they both contracted a deadly disease, such as thyphoid, at the same time, and passed away within a day of each other, or either, some accident or natural disaster befell them, and caused injury.
Inscription: S. E. HOWELL Born NOV.24,1854 Died FEB.28,1894 She's gone to worlds above Where saints and Angels meet. To realize our Savior's love And worship at His feet.
Mandy, too, was given a sweet inscription.
Another of Betsy Howell's grandchildren is buried at Old Gaines, a day old infant, child of Edgar E. Potts and wife, the second son of Margaret Abella Howell Britt Potts. Edgar E. Potts was the half-brother of John T. Britt. INFANT of E. E. & M. B. POTTS Born & Died Dec. 6, 1900
But the person to whom I believe Sarah Nash Avett and Betsy Nash Howell moved to Mississippi to be with, Sarah parting from her son Griffin Avett, who moved from Tennessee to Illinois and Betsy, who left her older children in North Carolina, and probably stopped in Tennessee with Sarah for awhile, as Margaret Abella remarried there.
Peter Winfield Nash, born in 1802 and older brother, Wilson Griffin Nash, born in 1791, had migrated, separately, westward, first to Tennessee, and then later to Mississippi.
Wilson had fought in the War of 1812 and migrated first, as Peter Winfield Nash is still shown in Anson County in 1830. Wilson died about 1858, but P. W. Nash lived until 1877 and spent his time, after leaving North Carolina between Tennessee and Mississippi.
He most certainly kept in touch with family, for his sisters to join him, but also, in 1870, living next to him is John Floyd Howell, son of his first cousin, Peter Howell. Peter W. Nash is listed in the censuses as a "Planter", which leads me to believe he held a considerable estate.
The Nash brothers deserve a post of their own, so I will not dwell on them, but this is why Betsy left her surviving son, Griffin Howell, and her older daughters, Mary Jane Howell Thompson and Sarah Howell McSwain, and left for Mississippi with her three youngest daughter and grandson.
Turzy Howell's fate remains a mystery. She is not buried with her family at Old Gaines, in a marked grave at least. She may have gotten married past 1880 as she was still young and her older sister Abella did. She may have moved on to another state. Or her tombstone may be one of the destroyed or illegible ones at Old Gaines. I am still on the lookout for Turzy.
Margaret Abella Howell Britt Potts had an interesting life and will my next subject. She lived longer and is not buried with the rest. The Mississippi river was a draw for the Howell family. Betsy felt that draw and wished to retire with her siblings west, than to reside with her established children.