Friday, August 30, 2024

Finding John Bird

John W Byrd was one of those people whose entrance into this world was as  mysterious as his exit. Save for a few scattered newspaper clippings, I may have thought he passed away as a child. He did not, although he was a young man and his death tragic.

Sarah D Smith, known as Sallie, was born about 1830 to James M. Smith and wife Elizabeth, in Stanly County, North Carolina. She grew up just north of the present town of Albemarle. Jackson Byrd, also spelled Bird, was born about 1832 , the son of Henry Byrd and his wife Mahala. In 1850, he was 18 years old and living with his parents in Freeman Township, Stanly County, NC, near the Morrow Mountain area.

NameJackson H Bird
Marriage Date8 Jan 1854
Marriage PlaceStanly, North Carolina, USA
SpouseSarah Smith
Spouse GenderFemale
Event TypeMarriage

On January 8, 1854, Jackson Bird married Sarah Smith, and a family had begun.

In 1860, the couple are found living right next to her parents, James and Elizabeth Smith. They have two children, Elizabeth J., age 6, and Henry, age 3. Jackson was a Carpenter by trade, probably an autodidact.

Then the World degenerated.

The country split in half and went to war with itself. Jackson Byrd was of the age to serve. Jackson, called Jack in Elizabeth and Henry's future paperwork, is seen at different times, with the middle initial of "H" and at other times as "G" or "D".  He enlisted in Compan I of the 52nd North Carolina Infantry. Jack served in the Confederate Army because North Carolina was a Confederate State. He was enlisted on April 26, 1862, in Albemarle, NC,  by Henry H. Milton, for three years or the war. He was held as a Prisoner of War, and paroled on Januray 23, 1864.

NameJackson D Bird
Enlistment Age31
Birth Dateabt 1831
Enlistment Date26 Apr 1862
Enlistment PlaceStanly County, North Carolina
Enlistment RankPrivate
Muster Date28 Apr 1862
Muster PlaceNorth Carolina
Muster CompanyI
Muster Regiment52nd Infantry
Muster Regiment TypeInfantry
Muster InformationEnlisted
Imprisonment Date3 Jul 1863
Imprisonment PlaceGettysburg, Pennsylvania
Imprisonment 2 Date12 May 1864
Imprisonment 2 PlaceSpotsylvania Court House, Virginia
Casualty Date3 Jul 1863
Casualty PlaceGettysburg, Pennsylvania
Type of CasualtyHospitalized
Side of WarConfederacy
Survived War?No
Residence PlaceStanly County, North Carolina
Notes1863-07-20 Transferred, (David's Island, NY Harbor), And paroled; 1863-09-08 Exchanged, (City Point, VA); 1864-01-15 Returned, Estimated day; 1864-05-17 Confined, (Point Lookout, MD); 1864-08-08 Transferred, (Elmira, NY); 1865-02-20 Paroled, (Elmira, NY); 1865-02-20 Transferred, (James River, VA), For exchange
Additional Notes 2Casualty 2 Date: 03 Jul 1863; Casualty 2 Place: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; Casualty 2 Casualty Type: Wounded;
TitleNorth Carolina Troops 1861-65, A Roster

The above report gives a panoptic view of his service. Here, they have him as Jackson D. Bird

meJ G Bird
Arrival Date17 May 1864
Imprisonment Date12 May 1864
Imprisonment PlaceSpotsylvania Courthouse
Side of WarConfederate
Regiment52 North Carolina
Transfer date8 Aug 1864

Above, is a record of his imprisonment at Spotsyvania Courthouse, with his middle initial as 'G'. On a Muster roll dated a year after he enlisted, on Auguest 31st  of 1863, it was noted that he was left on the battlefield at Gettysburg, PA on July 3rd of that year. He was wounded in the right shoulder and later ended up at Elimira. He was involved in a prisoner of war exchange. There is no indication he made it home and it is noted in the files that he did not survive the War. His place of burial is unknown. It is thought he died of his wounds, possibly after the exchange. 

Sally Smith Byrd would never remarry. In 1869, she applied for and recieved a Homestead Grant. 

Sarah Byrd recieved another gift in 1869, in the form of her third child, John W. Byrd, the focus of this post. There are no bastardy bonds that exist for Sarah Byrd. If Jack Byrd died when he was purported to be, then it would be impossible for him to have been the father of JohnW. Byrd. However, the more I examine the actual documentation on, it is very clear he did not die at Gettysburg. He was, however, wounded. He was held as a prisoner of War. The last date of any action bearing his name is that he was Paroled on February 2, 1865, from Elmira, New York. Alive. 

One documents has him being transfered to Elmira on August 8, 1864, along with other men in the "B" name list from the 52nd North Carolina, F. F. Bostick, John L. Brown, (who it was noted died on July 28, 1864), John Brown, (no middle initial), Robert Brooks, Z. D. Blalock (another local), and Robert Blevins. 

Could Jackson have actually made it home and then passed away before 1869, when Sarah obtained her Homestead Grant? 

Whatever may have befallen Jackson G. Byrd between 1865 and 1870, Sarah Smith Byrd is alone in 1870.

She is living in the same place as she was before, listed just below her mother, Elizabeth Smith, and little sister, Eliza Thomas Smith. James Smith, patriarch, passed away in 1862, and was buried in a family cemetery on the property.  They lived near the Palmers. Her daughter, Elizabeth, is not to be found, but she was very much alive. It appears they must have missed her, but at 16, she may have been working for another family, or visiting a friend, and missed when Mr. McCorkle stopped by. Henry is now 13, and the family has been completed with the addition of one year old John.

That's as far as most people got with John W. Byrd. Descendants of his sister, Elizabeth and brother, Henry, seem to have him passing away as an infant and totally oblivious as to where he may have came from. They even have his mother, Sallie, passing away before 1880, but neither of those things happened. 

I found Sallie and her children in 1880, in the same location as 10 years prior, the same township. Her baby sister Eliza has grown up and married, and her mother, Elizabeth has moved along with them, to an area near Norwood in the southern part of the county. The census taker had written Sally's name first name first, just the opposite of what he'd done with her neighbors, so it had been transcribed backwards, as Bird Sally, and the children were all given the surname Sally.

Sally was now 52, Elizabeth J. Byrd had found her way home and was now 25. Henry was 22 and young John, only 10 years old. Things were about to change drastically.

Henry was the first to marry. On November 2nd, 1886, in Stanly County, 27 year old Henry F. Byrd married 19 year old Mary A. Harris. His parents were listed as Jack and Sally Bird, both deceased, so Sally had passed away between July of 1880 and Novembert of 1886. The bride was the daughter of Guilford and Catherine Harris, both of her parents still living. The ceremony took place at the home of Guilford Harris in Harris Township and was performed by Rev. B. H. Carter, ol' Baldy Henderson Carter. Witnesses present at the wedding were Prince Carter, Adaline Lowder, and John Bird! John was now about 16 years old and very much alive. 

Elizabeth followed suit and married about three years later. On September 18, 1889, by J. M. Redwine, Justice of the Peace, Thomas H. Hall, of Stanly County, age 49 years old, married Lizzie Byrd of Stanly County, age 33. The groom was the son of Eldridge and Sarah Hall, his father still living and his mother deceased. The bride was the daughter of Jackson and Sarah Byrd, both deceased. The wedding took place at the home of Dr. Richard A. Anderson in Albemarle Township. Witnesses were mostly unlegible, the first a J. M. B......, maybe Brown? Next could be R. A. Anderson, but faint and still faint, the last could be W. or H Russell or Brassell. 

There were two land records of interest concerning the two eldest of the Byrd children. Of note, I've not found any record of the dispersion of the Homestead of Sallie Smith Byrd after her passing. 

The first involved Henry F. Byrd. This was not his only land transaction, only his first, and the remainder, which came after, seemed to involve his children, or regular land swaps with neighbors. 

In Book 18, Page 429 Adaline Mabry of Stanly County, sold to Henry F. Byrd of Union County, for $25 a tract in Harris Township that adjoined the lands of Betty (no surname given) and others, by 2 pines and his own corner to a stone in a springhead containing 6 and 1/4 acres. Dated January 20, 1891.

This gives a few clues, that first that sometime after 1880, and probably after his marriage, Henry F. Byrd had temporarity moved to Union County. Also, as this tract met his own corner, he had done so while retaining land in Stanly County, in Harris Township The stone in a spring head is a phrase I had came across while perusing land records concerning his grandfather, James Smith's property. Lastly, the fact that they omitted the surname of Betty in the deed. Could this have just been a simple error? Could Betty have referred to his sister, Elizabeth, despite the fact that she normally went by the name "Lizzie"? This makes me wonder if the small tract that Adeline Mabry sold to him bordered the Sallie Smith Byrd homestead. 

The next deed really has me perplexed and involves Lizzie Byrd. The deed is dated September 16, 1889. Lizzie Byrd married Thomas H. Hall on September 18, 1889, just two days later, at the home of Dr. R. A. Anderson. A little fishy, or at least interesting. 

Dr. Richard Abel Anderson (R. Anderson in the deed) and his wife, Mary Louisa Forrest Anderson (Mary L. Anderson in the deed) gave to Lizzie Byrd , "in consideration for the love and affection they have for Lizzie Bird,...for the term of her Natural Life and no longer unless she leave a child or children who obtain the age of 21". The property was located in the Town of Bilesville, now known as New London, and it joined the properties of R.G.D. Pickler, Thomas Ritchie, John R. Ivey and the Stanly Freehold Gold Mine Company. It began at a stone file on Richmond Gates Davidson Pickler's corner, ran to the Stokes Ferry Road, which at that time ran to New London. Route 8 loosely follows it today. That was the 1st tract of 1/2 acres. The second tract also contained 1/2 acre and bordered "Sides", and was "the same lands deeded from John R. Ivey to Matilda Sides and from J. F. Sides to R. A. Anderson" to Lizzie Byrd and then to her children.

Why had the Andersons given Lizzie Byrd a house lot in Bilesville? Was it a wedding gift? What was the relationship between Lizzie and the Andersons? Mary Louisa had been a Forrest before marriage, and there were interactions, even intermarriages between the Forrests and the Smiths. Mary Louisa had been the daughter of Rowland Forrest and Adeline Jane Moss. Dr. Anderson had arrived rather recently, with twenty years, from Davie County. There doesn't appear to have been a familial relationship. 

They were not neighbors, but in 1880, the Andersons were shown with a family of young children, and they were living near Adeline Mabry, who sold property to Lizzie's brother, Henry, just a few years later. Could Lizzie have went to work as a housekeeper and Nanny, after the death of her mother, and worked for the Andersons? How had they came to love her so much? This isn't a random question, if anyone knows how Elizabeth James "Lizzie" Byrd was related to, or connected to Dr. R. A. Anderson and wife, Mary Louisa Forrest Anderson, please let me know. 

And could the move near the Gold Mining area of New London have had an affect on their much younger brother, John?

Lizzie and her husband, Thomas Hawkins Hall, would remain in Stanly County. Having married a little later in life than most, Lizzie would have only three children, a small family for the era, and lose one son, Cap Hall, at an early age. She raised a son Henry Byrd  Hall, and a daughter, Hattie Mae Hall. The 1900 census reported her as the mother of three with two living. 

Thomas Hall would live until 1921, died in New London, but buried at Badin Baptist. Lizzie would outlive him by about two decades and passing away on July 19, 1940. She joined her husband in the grounds on Badin Baptist.

Henry Franklin Byrd.

Henry Franklin Byrd, Sarah Smith Byrd's second born, and his wife, Mary Harris, would raise six children in Harris Township, five daughters in a row, Dora, Anna, Sally, Fannie, Ila Mae and finally, a son, Alonzo. Henry lived until May 21, 1923, and his wife until 1937. They were buried at the Prospect Church Cemetery, north of Albemarle, near the Palestine Community. 

No family trees who carry the descendants of these two, carry their younger brother John past infancy.

The voices of the cosmos were telling me this was not so, then I found the entire family of 'Sally's' and of course, John had witnessed his brother's wedding. While the surname of Byrd is not as common as that of Smith, paired with the first name 'John', which is barely a name at all due to its commoness, finding John was not an easy task. He did not remain in Stanly County. However, he did visit. 

Thankfully, newspapers for Stanly County, covering those last mysterious decades of the 19th century, and the ambitious first days of the 20th, have survived these hundred plus years. There were several reports during those days of John W. Byrd having visited his siblings in and around New London, from gold mining areas. He had become a miner. On the 4th of July, he was visiting from Gold Hill in Rowan County, in conjunction with C. H. Ross and John Harris.

C. H. Ross would have been his friend, Craig Hendrix Ross. Close in age to John W. Byrd,  C. H. Ross was the son of Williamson Jackson Ross and wife, Nancy Smith Ross. John and Craig would have been second cousins once removed.  Nancy Smith Ross was the daughter of Parham Smith, son of Robert Smith. Robert Smith and James Smith, John W. Byrds maternal grandfather, shared a father, William Smith who died in 1845, but perhaps not a mother. 

 Craig grew up in the same area as John W. Byrd and was close in age, less than a year apart. He moved to Tennessee, where he marreid, died in Texas, but returned to Tennessee for burial. Before that, he had tweedled in Gold mining, like John. 

John Harris was about a decade older than his other two friends, and also from Harris Township. He is found in 1900 as a Liveryman, living with his sister Fanny near Smiths,  Picklers and Millers.. He was the son of Milton Harris and Mary Ann Klutzz and would marry Jenny Miller.

The Stanly News and Press would continue to report of Craig and John's trips to gold mining areas as they adventured as young men, and visits home to relatives in New London. I was especially intrigued by the above article that suggested deer sightings were rare. I'm glad they have made a come back. A hundred and twenty years ago, they were almost wiped out. 

The Gold Knob Mine in Rowan County, was located northeast of Rockwell and southeast of Granite Quarry, between the towns, Highwary 52 (or the Salisbury Highway) and the river. It  was just off Stokes Ferry Road. 

There are multiple mentions of John W. Byrd and his associates making visits to or visits from New London to various Gold Mines and Gold Mining areas. 

Then came Haile, and I found John William Byrd. Between 1902 and 1903, John W. Byrd had gotten a job at the Haile Mine, located in Kershaw, South Carolina.

Haile Mine, Kershaw, South Carolina

Three years prior, in the 1900 census, he was found boarding in the town of Jefferson, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, while working as a miner. He was single at this time, and traveling a lot, between Rowan and Stanly Counties in North Carolina and Chesterfield and Lancaster in South Carolina.

NameJohn W Bird
Birth Date1866
BirthplaceNorth Carolina, USA
Home in 1900Jefferson, Chesterfield, South Carolina
House Number6
Sheet Number17
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation293
Family Number299
Relation to Head of HouseBoarder
Marital StatusSingle
Father's BirthplaceNorth Carolina, USA
Mother's BirthplaceNorth Carolina, USA
OccupationMiner (Gold)
Can ReadY
Can WriteY
Can Speak EnglishY
NeighborsView others on page
Household members
Boyd Harman39
Anna Harman36
John W Bird34
Franklin Harman17
Harl Harman14

He came home at least a few times of year to visit with Lizzie and Henry and his New London area friends. 

In 1904,  he was in New London, visiting again. Then he met Queen.

Queen Victoria Phillips Byrd Robinson

Queen Victoria Phillips was born June 13, 1888, in Kershaw, Lancaster County, South Carolina, daughter of Bill Phillips and Francis Baker Phillips. John obviously probably met her while working at the Haile Minining Company. 

A marriage license can't be found, but married indeed they were. I discovered the probable cause for that was a courthouse fire. Apparently, surviving marriage licenses in Lancaster County don't begin until 1911! And I thought we had it bad because of all the Montgomery County 🔥!

John W. Byrd and Queen Victoria Phillips Bird had three children in fairly quick succession:

-John Lee Byrd was born on April 9, 1905.
-William Henry Byrd was born on February 13, 1908.
-Francis Ethel Byrd was born on April 24, 1910.

Above is the family in the 1910 census. John W. Byrd was an Engineer, in the Gold Mining Industry. He and his young wife had been married for 5 years, giving a year of 1905 as the year they married. They had two little boys, John, 3 and William Henry 1. Their place of residence was given as Flat Creek, Lancaster, S. C. Queenie was the mother of two, with two living. Both she and John could read and write. She was also heavily pregnant. The date was April 15, 1910. Their daughter would be born just days later, on April 24, 1910.

Then tragedy struck.

Right around the time of his daughters birth, John was involved in a terrible accident at the mine. He was crushed, and was gotten out of the mine and taken to Charlotte, NC for medical treatment. He had both legs and feet crushed and broken, an arm broken and unnamed internal injuries. He lived about two weeks. The age was incorrect in the newspaper report, but still, he was a young man. I don't know if he even got to hold his baby girl. 

He died in Charlotte, North Carolina on May 11, 1910. The coroner had little to no information about him. They knew he was a miner and had been brought in from Kershaw, SC. They knew he was married and guessed his age to be about 45. They were closer than the papers. He was actually 42.

During his short life, John W. Byrd had gotten around. It seems that his interest in Gold Mining began in New London, NC, where he may have lived with his sister after his mother's death. He and his friends then ventured into neighboring Rowan County where they worked in Gold Hill and Gold Knob, which are several miles apart. He's then found in areas south, Monroe in Union County, NC, Mecklenburg County, NC, Chesterfield County, SC and then in Kershaw, Lancaster County, SC, where for a few happy years, he had made a home. 

He would visit freinds and family often. There are multiple mentions of his visits. 

Johns estate was probated in June of 1911. His wife, Queen, was the Administrator, and she sued.

Queen statted that her husband, John W. Byrd had died intestate on May ll, 1910, and "that said deceased was killed by the Haile Gold Mining negligence and willfullness." She had inacted a cause of action "in favor of the petitioner and the children of John W. Byrd."

Queen Victoria Phillips Byrd was able to acquire enough funds to pay the young families debts, afford her husband a fitting burial and maintain the well-being of herself and their three young children for awhile. 

NameJohn W. Byrd
Death Date11 May 1910
CemeteryBuffalo Baptist Church Cemetery
Burial or Cremation PlaceMount Pisgah, Kershaw County, South Carolina, United States of America
Has Bio?Y

Johns body  was returned t o Kershaw from Charlotte, and was buried in the Buffalo Baptist Church Cemetery. 

There remained one nagging  question in my mind, was John William Byrd actually a Byrd?

John W. Byrd

A picture of John exists within the Haile Mining Company records of some of their early Engineers and Executives. There's no doubt that John was an ambitious young man, who, having survived and been given the chance, would have risen high within the ranks of the company. 

One thing that stands out to me, is the lack of resemblence to his older  brother, Henry F. Byrd, whom he named his second son for, probably, although the name had trailed down the generations from their Grandfather, Henry Byrd, father of Jackson. Henry, in old age, still had most of his blonde hair, and even in the sepia photo, it's clear his eyes were light, either blue or pale green, which is what is reported on  aWWI draft registration, although he didn't have to serve. John, on the other hand, at a much younger age, had a significant receding hairline, and dark hair, clinging to his scalp in a tightly coiled curls. Was he a full or half Brother?

Then, while looking back, and better, through the military records of Jackson Byrd, I had an answer, or at least one part of it. After Jackson Byrd was paroled from Elmira, he was noted as "Dead on the Boat", before his arrival to whereever he was being shipped. Jackson Byrd had not made it home alive. It was impossible for him to have been the father of John William Byrd. Sallie Smith Byrd had brought to life a baby with a Ghost Dad, in the hours of the last of her child-bearing years. I hope descendants of his three children will take DNA tests to explore their heritage, and I hope that they find my posts to at least link them back to their Smith and Stanly County roots. 

The Haile Mining Company

Haile Mining Company still exists and still exhibits their historic beginnings. Their safety regulations are now modern and far safer than those John worked with 114 years ago. 

Queen Byrd was a young, resourceful and resilient woman. She went on to live a long and fruiltful life. She remarried, to a local man, Elijah Jackson Robinson. 

NameQueen Robinson
Birth Yearabt 1890
BirthplaceSouth Carolina
Home in 1920Flat Creek, Lancaster, South Carolina
StreetRoad From Kershaw To Robinson Settlement
Residence Date1920
Relation to Head of HouseWife
Marital StatusMarried
Spouse's NameElijah Robinson
Father's BirthplaceSouth Carolina
Mother's BirthplaceSouth Carolina
Able to Speak EnglishYes
Able to readYes
Able to WriteYes
NeighborsView others on page
Household members
Elijah Robinson29
Queen Robinson30
William H Byrde11
Ola Robinson7
E J Robinson1

In 1920, Queen is 30, her new Husband is 29, and they've had two children of their own, Mary Ola Robinson and Elijah J Robinson , Jr. Her son, William Henry Byrd, was living with them. I wondered what happened to the other two Byrd children. 

Looking at the actual record,  I saw they were with her parents, William and Frances Phillips, and right next door, along with their cousin, Mary Baker. Whether they lived there all the time, or were just visiting, I can't tell. 

Queen Victoria Phillips Byrd Robinson remained in Flat Rock, Lancaster County, South Carolina for the remainder of her life. She passed away on February 3, 1895, at the age of 96. 

John Lee Byrd remained in Lancaster County. He married and had four children, two sons and two daughters, passing away in 1991.

William Henry Byrd passed away in Kershaw, Lancaster County, SC in December of 2002. He, too, had married, and with wife, Eva, raised a family of 10, six daughters and four sons. Both brothers had worked in the textile industry. 

Frances Ethel Byrd died in Camden, Kershaw County, SC in 1998. She married Benjamin Franklin "Frank" Small and raised a family of 7 sons. They farmed and Frank drove a truck. She seems to have been raised by her grandparents, as she was still with them in 1930, working as a farm laborer.

John W Byrd did die a young man, due to his taste for gold. But he did not die as a child, he had a full, though short life, and fathered three children who grew up mostly without him. He left his genes in three children, 21 grandchildren, and his legacy continues. I found him.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Who Was Sophronia?


As of late, I have made my focus a particular Stanly County, NC branch of the Smith family. There are multiple reasons why, however, this study has now allowed me to perorate on the Smiths with the same furvor I do on my Davis line, the first one I attempted to trace.

While studying the family of James and Elizabeth T. Smith, I came across a mysterious person that no one seemed to know what to do with, a child named Sophronia, but who was she?

James and Elizabeth had a daughter named Margaret H. Smith. Margaret had married a man named Jospeh Haskell. Joseph's father was a merchant, born in England, who had settled in the young town of Albemarle, then sandwiched between two hills and several streams on the outskirts of the Uwharrie Mountains.

NameMargaret Haskell
Age in 187026
Birth Dateabt 1844
BirthplaceNorth Carolina
Dwelling Number114
Home in 1870Albemarle, Stanly, North Carolina
Post OfficeAlbemarle
OccupationKeeping House
Cannot ReadYes
Cannot WriteYes
Inferred SpouseJoseph Haskell
Inferred ChildrenJames Haskell; William Haskell; Edward Haskell
Household members
Joseph Haskell29
Margaret Haskell26
James Haskell4
William Haskell3
Edward Haskell7/12
Sophronia Lowder8

In the 1870 census, we first encounter Saphronia. She is 8 years old, and has  the surname of Lowder. She is living with the Haskell family and their children, James 4, William 3 and 7 month old Edward.

NameSafrony Haskell
Birth DateAbt 1862
BirthplaceNorth Carolina
Home in 1880White River, Prairie, Arkansas, USA
Dwelling Number153
Relation to Head of HouseDaughter
Marital StatusSingle
Father's NameJoseph Haskell
Father's BirthplaceNorth Carolina
Mother's NameMargaret Haskell
Mother's BirthplaceNorth Carolina
NeighborsView others on page
Household members
Joseph Haskell40
Margaret Haskell35
Safrony Haskell18
James Haskell15
William Haskell12
Edward Haskell10
Lizzie Haskell8
Mamie Bell Haskell6
Sallie Haskell1

Between 1870 and 1880, like a lot of young families, the Haskells made the journey southwest. They had settled in the town of White River, Prairie County, Arkansas, an area that looks a little like Louisiana.

The White River, in Arkansas

The same four children are back in 1880, Saphronia (Safrony), James, William and Edward, along with three new little girls, Lizzie, Mamie Bell and Sallie. The one thing I noticed was Saphronia was now a Haskell. Was it the same person? Saphronia Lowder was 8 and now a decade later, Saphronia Haskell is 18. If it wasn't the same girl, where was Saphronia Haskell in 1870? The relationship to the Head of Household was given as daughter.

While looking into estate files from the local Lowder family, I was looking for a Lowder who possibly had died between 1860 and 1865, and for anything concerning a girl named Saphronia.

Then I found, not one, but two, curious estate files that caught my eye. This one was labeled "Saphronia Lowder (or Saphronia Haskell) and dated 1908. But didn't the girl in the Haskell home move to Arkansas? This estate file was from 1908, in Stanly County, NC.

Page One in the file stated 'The heirs of Saphronia Lowder, (or Haskell) are hereby notified, that the Administer of Mary A. Hathcock, deceased, deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stanly County, their Distributed share of said estate. They are requested to take immediate action to prove their claim and obtain said money, or the same will be disposed of among the other heirs according to law."  It was dated April 30, 1908, and signed by the Clerk of Court. The second page said that a second copy was sent to Caddo County Deaucrot Arkadarpo Oklahoma for publication.

Page 3 was a statement signed by an Eben Lowder that he believed that Saphronia Lowder had died without leaving any goods or chattels, but had she? On November 24, 1908, the Clerk of Court, after recieving no notice back, declared Sophronia Lowder or Haskell, dead. 

Having already researched the family of Margaret H. Smith Haskell, that included Saphronia, I knew that the Saphronia that was in the household of Joseph and Margaret, was not dead. Eben Lowder claimed that Saphronia Lowder had married 'one Haskell' and about the year 1866, had moved to west, to the state 'now known' as Oklahoma, that her friends and relatives had not heard from her in about 20 years, and when they last heard, she was a resident of Caddo. Notice was sent to Caddo and no one replied, therefore Eben believed she was deceased with no heirs and that he was responsible for the estate of Mary A. Hathcock. He, along with Lindsey Lowder, heirs of John Lowder, deceased, Omie Austin, heirs of Abigail Lowder, deceased, were the heirs entitiled to the distribution of Saphronia's shares of the estate.

Stanly News and Press

Albemarle, North Carolina • Page 2

But this was either not true, or this was not the right Saphronia. Several questions arise. Where was Sophronia actually and who was Mary A. Hathcock? How was Saphronia an heir of hers?

Eben Lowder claimed his relation, Sophronia, had married a Haskell and moved to Oklahoma around 1866. Our Sophronia hadn't been born until 1862 and was just a little child in 1866. It was Margaret Smith who had married a Haskell. They were still in Stanly County in 1870 and were in Arkansas, not Oklahoma in 1880. Additionally, in 1908, Saphronia Lowder-Haskell that lived with the Smith family was not dead.

NameSaprona J Lowder
Birth DateAug 1861
BirthplaceNorth Carolina, USA
Home in 1900Delaware, Yell, Arkansas
Sheet Number17
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation292
Family Number303
Relation to Head of HouseStepdaughter (Step Daughter)
Marital StatusSingle
Father's BirthplaceNorth Carolina, USA
Mother's BirthplaceNorth Carolina, USA
Can ReadN
Can WriteN
Can Speak EnglishY
NeighborsView others on page
Household members
Joseph Haskell59
Saprona J Lowder38
William F Haskell32

In 1900, Saphronia is shown as "Saprona J Lowder".  Again a  Lowder, she is now 38 and living in Yell County, Arkansas with Jospeh Haskell, 59, and William F. Haskell, 32. The relationship given to Joseph, the head of the household was Stepdaughter.. Where was everyone else? Where was Margaret?

The 20 years between 1880 and 1900 had been devastating. Margaret had passed away on March 4 1888, and they had buried 5 of their 8 children together:

  • James T. Haskell (1866 -1888)
  • Edward W. Haskell (1869-1882)
  • Minnie Bell Haskell (1874-1882)
  • E. G. Haskell (1881-1889)
  • W. T. Haskell (1883-1888)

The fate of Elizabeth "Lizzie" Haskell, born about 1872, remains unknown. She is not buried in the two cemeteries that hold her parents or three other of her siblings.

Sally Jo Haskell married Benjamin Franklin McReynolds, settled in Hot Springs, Arkansas, raising 6 children and living until 1847, at age 68.

Then there was Saphronia and William Franklin, living with Joseph.

NameFrona Haskell
Age in 191048
Birth Date1862
BirthplaceNorth Carolina
Home in 1910Dustin, Hughes, Oklahoma, USA
Sheet Number8a
Relation to Head of HouseDaughter
Marital StatusSingle
Father's BirthplaceNorth Carolina
Mother's BirthplaceNorth Carolina
Native TongueEnglish
IndustryGeneral Farm
Employer, Employee or OtherOwn Account
Able to readYes
Able to WriteYes
Enumeration District Number0103
Enumerated Year1910
NeighborsView others on page
Household members
Joseph T Hashell69
Frona Haskell48
Nell F Haskell42

Saphronia was still alive in 1910, too, therefore, when Eben Lowder declared a Saphronia Lowder (Haskell) dead in 1908, this Sophronia was now actually alive and living in Oklahoma, in a town called Dustin, Hughes County, Oklahoma. She's still with Joseph Haskell, this time shown as a Haskell, and called a daughter, not a stepdaughter. Her brother, Will F. Haskell, has been transcribed as 'Nell' incorrectly. She's now 48, a consistent "8" in all of the census records, 8, 18, 38, 48.

Back in Stanly County, a second estate record, with Eben Lowder declaring that he had not heard from his Saphronia in years, not neccessarily dead, and the court agreeing to divide her share of estates in which she was an entitled heir, amongst the other heirs. 

So, who was Mary A. Hathcock? She left a Will.

"State of North Carolina  County of Stanly

In the name of God Amen, I Mary A. Hathock of the County and State aforesaid.....

1st I give and bequeath to my brother, Henry Lowder$1.
2nd It is my will tath my land be sold and equally divided between my other brothers and sisters, viz; John Lowder, Lindsey Lowder, Thomas Lowder, Oma Austin, and Abigail Lowder, and I do make, Nominate and appoint my brother Eben Lowder my Executor......"

It was dated the 29th day of July 1887 and witnessed by G. S. Hathcock and J. E. Treece
Mary Ann Lowder Hathcock did not die until 1904, nearly two decades later. 

So this was a Lowder family. I found this group of siblings quite easily in the home of Daniel and Elizabeth Harwood Lowder. Daniel Lowder was born abouth 1800 and the 1850 census had nearly his entire litter listed.

NameDaniel Lowder
Residence Age51
Birth Dateabt 1799
BirthplaceNorth Carolina
Residence Date1850
Home in 1850Albemarle, Stanly, North Carolina, USA
Real Estate600
Cannot Read, WriteYes
Line Number17
Dwelling Number835
Family Number840
Inferred SpouseElizabeth Lowder
Household members
Daniel Lowder51
Elizabeth Lowder47
John Lowder21
Mary Ann Lowder19
Thos Lowder18
Lindsey F Lowder15
Archibald Lowder13
Eben Lowder11
Malichi Lowder9
Abigail Lowder7
Henry Lowder0

There were 9 little Lowders in 1850. Mary Ann, whose will I just quoted, was 19. She had an older brother, John, 21, and youner siblings Lindsey F, 15, Archibald, 13, Eben, her administrator, 11, Malachi, 9, Abigail, 7, and a newborn Henry. Missing was Naomi "Oma" Lowder Austin, 22, who had married Samuel Jacob Austin already. She and her husband are listed in his parents home with three young children. 

NameOma Austin
Residence Age22
Birth Dateabt 1828
BirthplaceNorth Carolina
Residence Date1850
Home in 1850Albemarle, Stanly, North Carolina, USA
Line Number41
Dwelling Number877
Family Number882
Household members
Jacob Austin68
Sarah Austin51
Samuel Austin21
Alsa Austin18
Stanly Austin17
Laughlin B Austin14
Oma Austin22
Elizabeth Austin4
Jacob Austin2
Rufus Austin0

A number of these in 1850 were not mentioned in Mary Ann's Will. 

Oldest son, John Lowder, was mentioned, and also mentioned in the case file involving Sophronia Lowder/Haskell, but as deceased. He served in the Civil War, but made it back home, for a little while. He was a married man, with children. John wrote his own Will, on May 15, 1872, which was probated on December 10, 1872.

Thomas T. Lowder, fourth child and brother just under Mary Ann, the third child, also served in the Civil War. He did die in 1862, at Richmond, Wise County, Virginia.

Lindsey Lowder was next in line, and is mentioned in both the Will and Sophronia's papers. He lived a long life, survived the Civil War, and made it home to marry Rebecca Carter in 1867.

Archibald C. Lowder, 6th child, is not mentioned.He was another Civil War casualty, passing away at age 27, on September 16, 1864, at Point Lookout, Maryland. He was unmarried and had no heirs.

Eben Lowder, 7th child, and Mary Ann's executor, served in the Civil War and made it home alive. He married Sarah Ann Snuggs.

Malachi Lowder was the 8th child, and also became a Civil War casualty, like his brothers, Thomas and Archibald. He passed away on July 3, 1863, at Gettyburg, unmarried and leaving no heirs, aged 22.

Abigail Lowder was the 9th child and third daughter, She was mentioned in both doucments, and was a double-Lowder, having married George Washington Lowder, her cousin, son of George Lowder and wife, Elizabeth Adderton Lowder.

Henry Lowder, the late baby, being born 8 yers after his youngest sibling, when Daniel was 50 and Elizabeth, 43, was the only son of Daniel Lowder to not serve in the Civil War, because he was too young. Henry was the 10th child. He marry Mary Furr and had heirs. Henry was mentioned in his sisters Will, but she left him only a dollar. Why did Mary Ann not like Henry as well as the others?

The sickle of death had not been kind to the Lowder family during the war, taking every other son, like in a random game of hopscotch. An evil twister touching down in tragic pattern, take one, skip one, take one, skip one.

Mary Ann stayed with her parents for a long while before getting amrried, the War cutting slim her available aspirants. She was still in her parents home in 1870, at age 39, with her youngest brother, Henry. Had he teased her because of her 'old maid' status? Was that perhaps an element of her actions in her Will?

Mary Ann Lowder would eventually marry, however, on September 4, 1873, at age 42, to Lindsey T, Hathcock, son of  Jesse Hathcock and Catherine Whitley Hathcock. Lindsey was an oddment, an available man in the decade after the Civil War. He had lost his first wife, Mary Moss, in 1868, and had a number of grown children. Born in 1818, Lindsey was 13 years Mary Ann's senior, but it was a cromulent choice, given the circumstances.

NameLinsey Hathcock
Birth DateAbt 1819
BirthplaceNorth Carolina
Home in 1880Albemarle, Stanly, North Carolina, USA
House Number3
Dwelling Number282
Relation to Head of HouseSelf (Head)
Marital StatusMarried
Spouse's NameMary Hathcock
Father's BirthplaceNorth Carolina
Mother's BirthplaceNorth Carolina
NeighborsView others on page
Household members
Linsey Hathcock61
Mary Hathcock46
Catherine Hathcock44
Simpson Hathcock17

Mary, shown above in 1880, was barely older than her oldest stepchildren. She wrote her will in 1884, naming her siblings and their heirs, and noticibly not her husband or her step 'children'. Lindsey Hathcock would live until 1903, and Mary would outlive him by one year. She had also named Sophronia Lowder (Haskell) in her Will, but of what relation was Sophronia?

tombstone of daniel lowder at Poplins Grove Baptist Church

The answer would come in the Will of Daniel Lowder, who passed away on August 17, 1881, at the age of 80.

Within the estate papers was a suit by heirs of Daniel Lowder, whose property had been split between his living children, and the heirs of his deceased children, who were to split their parents share among them. Henry Lowder, the youngest child, had apparently remained on his parents land, and worked it, being the last to go out on their own, which he didn't do, but statyed and ran the farm, taking care of his mother, Elizabeth Harwood Lowder, who had outlived Daniel by just a few years. Henry would also marry and have his own family. A lawsuit was filed against Henry, as the property belonged to all of the children. 

The parts I saved, after paragraph III named the living heirs suing Henry; Lindsey Lowder, Eben Lowder, Abigail Lowder, who intermarried with G.W. Lowder, Omi Austin (Naomi Lowder Austin, who was by then a widow), Mary A. Hathcock who intermarried with Lindsey Hathcock, S. J. Lowder who was the only heir of Thomas J Lowder, decd. who was a (goes to the next page), son of Daniel Lowder, decd, each one eighth part thereof, and Sarah Poplin who intermarried  with Wesley Poplin, Daniel Lowder, Mary Kimmer who intermarried with Rufus Kimmer, J West who intermarried with CharlesWest, J Francis Thompson who intermarried with Alex Thompson and Elizabeth Lowder who are the only heirs at law of John M. Lowder, decd., who was a son of Daniel Lowder.

In another list, the heirs named by Executor, Eben Lowder, were Omie Austin, Sarah Poplin, wife of Wesley Poplin Jr., Mary Kimmer wife of Rufus Kimmer, G. Jeney West wife of C. W. West, Francis, wife of Alex Thompson, Elizabeth Lowder, Mary Hathcock, Suffronia Lowder, Lindsey Lowder, Eben Lowder, Abigail, wife of G.W. Lowde  + Henry Lowder. 

So, S. J. Lowder was named as the only heir of Thomas Lowder, Daniel's son, who had already passed in 1862, in the Civil War. In the lower document, her name was spelled out, 'Suffronia', another variation of the name Sophronia. The family was already in my daughters family tree as Sophronia's cousin, Jeroldine Eugenia Lowder West who married Charles W. West, is her third great grandfather, on her father's side, and Naomi Lowder Austin is her third Great Grandmother, both through her Dad's paternal grandmother. 

In this last document, we see Sophronia J. Lowder's actual signature. No 'X'. She was literate and 19 years old here, in 1881, and still living in Stanly County. 

These facts reifies the identity of Sophronia J Lowder/ Haskell.

On July 3, 1860, J. M. McCorkle, census taker, found 27 year old Thomas T. or J. Lowder, operating his own farm, with the help of a hired boy, 13 year old Nelson Clayton. He was living near George F. Smith, whom we know had a house and farm in the vicinity of the current Albemarle High School, just off Melchor Branch and not far from Little Long Creek. 

Margaret Smith, 18, was at the same time still living with her parents off of Town Creek. Although no marriage contract survives, they must have gotten married sometime shortly after that, because Sophronia was considered legitimate and carried the Lowder name. 

Sophronia J. Lowder was born on August 20, 1861. Margaret would have gotten pregnant in November of 1860. Thomas Tillman Lowder enlisted in Company B, 5th North Carolina Infantry on August 8, 1862, just days before the birth of Sophronia.    He became sick almost immediately, appearing in muster rolls as being in the hospital. He died on September 23, 1862, in Richmond, Virginia, of Chronic Dysentry.

He was buried in Richmond, Wise County, Virginia in November of 1862. Did he ever get to see his daughter? I don't believe so. 

Margaret Smith Lowder, widow, filed for a pension.The date of death given on the pension application was December 19 ,1862. His tombstone gives a date of November 17, 1862. However, among the papers of his service on Fold3, I found the muster roll where it declares he died of Chronic Dysentry and the date given was September 23, 1862. I  don't think they would have reported him dead if he was not already. The later dates would have been incorrect, but based upon the information the individuals were given.

Then, somewhere around 1864-1865, Margaret H. Smith Lowder would marry Joseph T. Haskell. Her daughter, Sophronia J. Lowder would have been just a toddler. She would not have known anyone as a father but Joseph T. Haskell. Although her legal name was Lowder, and she knew that, she would vacilate between identifying as Lowder or Haskell.

Eben Lowder

Eben Lowder had it wrong. Sophronia hadn't married "one Haskell", her mother, Margaret H. Smith Lowder had. They did not move away in the year 1866, it was after 1881. It may have been true that they lost touch with her. The weird thing is, the family had first migrated to Arkansas, and were there in 1900, the closest to the death of Mary Ann Lowder Hartsell. It wasn't until 1910 that she shows up in Oklahoma, with her half-brother and stepfather, so if Eben hadn't heard from her, and thought she may be dead, how did he know to advertise in Oklahoma, and not Arkansas?


The last years of Sophronia Lowder

Joseph T. Haskell, stepfather of Sophronia J. Lowder, passed away on February 2, 1917, in Dustin, Hayes County, Arkansas. His remains were returned to Dardanelle, Yell County, Arkansas, to be interred beside his wife Margaret H. Smith Haskell, who had predeceased him by 29 years.

William F. Haskell and Sophronia J. Lowder Haskell would remain together in their Oklahoma home. Neither would ever marry.

In 1920, Will is 52, Sophronia is 56, and acting as his housekeeper. He, like most men in that area, struggled to bring substance from the dirt, and called himself a farmer.

In 1930, nothing had changed but the year. The siblings were now in their sixties and William still fought the dirt. He would lose his fight in three more years, passing away in Dustin, Oklahoma, in 1933, and taken to Dardanelle, Arkansas, like his father, to join his parents and a number of siblings, in the Brearley Cemetery.

Sophronia lived alone for four more years.  

Her obituary had referred to her as a pioneer. She passed away at the age of 76. They claimed she had moved to Hughes County in 1904. Like that of Joseph Haskell, and her brother, William, Sophronia's body was returned to Arkansas for burial. She had one surviving sister, Sally Jo Haskell McReynolds, who had another decade in her bones.

Sophronia J. Lowder Haskell, daughter of Thomas T. Lowder and Margaret H. Smith, and stepdaughter of Joseph Haskell, left this earth, single and childless, on July 24, 1937. And that's who Sophronia was.